Friday, September 5, 2008

Fantastic Fridays - Rest for the Weary

After coming back from Nebraska on Tuesday and staying up way too late on the subsequent nights doing one futile thing or another (scrabble, mancala, hanging out), I am thankful Friday is here. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it through the week. Yesterday I felt like I was in need of a wheelchair as I was trying to pull myself out of bed. I think I've done it. Summer is ending (tear, followed by a sigh of relief) and I have officially worn myself out with all the bbq's, parties, running around, hanging out and traveling I've packed into it (I do have a job add that into the mix). I feel like I've been hit by a Mac truck and need some time to recuperate from all the fun I've had!

As an adult it's not as easy to enjoy the summer like we did as youngsters. No longer are the summers filled with endless hours at the pool with Dave A., going to different sports camps, family vacations, games of capture the flag and kick the can, late nights that run into the morning and are follwed by sleeping in until the next responsibility which was often lunch, or enjoying whatever fun may come up in the span of a wonderful summer's day! Some how these adolescent summers have vanished and the word summer has taken on new meaning. Summer is now a time of intricate planning and running on fumes in order to squeeze as much fun into the fleeting season as possible. It can be an exasperating task, balancing adulthood and summer. There is only so much time in the day. When 9.5 of those hours are spent in an office, 3-7 are spent sleeping, and then 2 hours commuting, I have to become a planner. And in my opinion, as far as adulthood summers go, mine was perfectly packed with just the right ammount of fun trips, cookouts, visits with people I love, hearty laughs, pool time, games, happy hours, sunsets, golf and hanging out. Sure there were late nights when my mind would race with the daunting reality that my alarm clock knows no season, could care less that it's summer time and will be louder than ever in a few hours. The insensitive little thing sounds at the same time the next morning as it did in the winter mornings and have no apologies about it. And I've just about had it! My summer is coming to an end and I have to say I'm not broken hearted.

I will miss the long summer days but I think God made summer in VA just long enough for me! It's Friday and I am taking a weekend off. I'm not planning anything other than cheering Amy on at the Reston Triathlon and just chillaxin' all weekend (disclaimer, sometimes chillaxin' includes golf so don't go calling me a liar when I write about shooting under 90 this weekend). And that's why this Friday is so fantastic... because I have nothing to rush home, quickly change and get ready for. AMEN to that! I will be on my couch or someone's couch watching a movie and listening for the storm we're supposed to get! FANTASTIC!!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I totally know that feeling of being excited to go home and do nothing. So sad the summer is over though!