Gratitude. It's something I don't verbalize enough. One of my blogging friends starts every Monday off with a post of things she's thankful for and I love following it. I've wanted to start doing the same thing because I think it's a great way to start my week off.... Expressing things that I'm thankful for and starting my week off with a heart full of gratitude. So here goes.
Things I'm thankful for this week:
0001- Reds, oranges, yellows, greens and browns all around letting me know that a new season is HERE!!

0002- The mystery of how God can make something dying more beautiful each and every day.
0003- The cool crisp air of fall while on a morning job during my day off.

0005- Having two parents that love and support each other through the ups and downs that life brings their way... coming out stronger and closer when those tough times come.
0006- A humble Dad who's picture and team is in the Navy Lax Hall of Fame... and getting to enjoy that moment with him and Mom.
0007- Football games, fresh air, found memories and more....
Isn't it amazing... how a thankful heart completely changes your perspective, especially on those particularly difficult days?? Finding God's touch in everything... that, in and of itself, is a true gift!
So gad you "joined," Katie... I'm looking forward to following your list :)
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