Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Friends and Family Stick.... Kinda Like Glue: Days 10 & 11

The past couple days (we're going to call them Days 10 and 11) I have been busy getting things in order here in VA. Trying to decide about insurances, whether or not to go on leave without pay or just quit the government all together, the possible sale of my house. You know, fun stuff, like what utensil I should use to gauge out my eye. All this crap here makes me just want to be THERE already!

But then, there are the moments that transpire, moments that overflow my heart with joy because I know God is working. But more so, I know He is good and He is loving. In the past two days, I have been overwhelmed by how God can orchestrate and how He loves to comfort me. Whether it's through a long overdue lunch to catch up with a friend(s), or past acquaintances turned friends through empathy and a common bond. Or sometimes, the most exuberant and heart warming one of all, a big smiley face 21 month old boy running toward me as I walk in the door followed by a hug with a few pats... These moments may be something I will physically leave behind when I move to Colorado *tear*, but I will carry them with me for a long time. Moments that transcend any amount of distance, every time zone, or any type of change. Moments that brought me love, comfort, and clarity at just the right time. In His perfect timing.... They are snap shots of how God loves me (us) that need to be stored in my memory bank because I am so quick to forget how GOOD He is when things get tough. I have some amazing family and friends that God has blessed me with, and I will miss them dearly when I leave, but I think Mr. Buechner got it right in saying,

'You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live IN a world but a world lives IN you.' -- Frederick Buechner

*I'm not exactly sure who Frederick Buechner is, but he must've had friends like mine!!

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