Monday, July 11, 2011

A Journey Begins - 40 days until I am a Colorado resident

I really don't need to talk about it again. But I will. Just in case there is ONE new reader, or if one of my old followers (I am using the plural term very loosely... hi Mom!) just happened to stumble upon my page after months of NOTHING, and think someone hacked into my blog to post an entry. It's me! I was not hacked! You should know by now that it's quite cyclical with me. But I WANT to be better. I don't write about anything that is going to change the world or in most people's eyes, important, but it's theraputic for me and I love doing it. In effort to be more consistent AND to document the begining of this next chapter in my life, I'm going to blog something about this transition for the next 40 days. That will take me to 19 August, the Friday before my classes start. Then we'll just have to see where the journey leads from there. So here's to consitency, new beginings, bitter-sweet good-byes, and road trips all in my very near future. Lord, be with me. please.

Day 1:
I can't believe that I'm moving in less than five weeks. I feel like another list is in order so I can get everything done in preparation for this move. Truth is.... I don't WANT to do those things. I'm finding myself wishing I was already in Colorado so I wouldn't have to deal with things like, my condo, moving my stuff out of storage and the Campbell's place, closing up admin stuff at work, thinking about not having a job come August, and all of the menial tasks that are required when one is moving thousands of miles away.
The problem with escaping these tedious duties and 'just getting there already' is then I would miss out on all of the good stuff here. And as far as that's concerned, I'd like to just grab hold of time and make it stop for just a little. It's not that I don't want to move. I do. No, really I do! But I don't want to be so focused on my to-do list that I miss out on these last precious moments that I have here in VA with my family, friends, and everything DC has to offer (I'm pretty sure Colorado Springs doesn't have the myriad of cuisine or culture that VA/DC does). It will also be missing a little 21 month old that has stolen my heart. Gah, if I could just put him in my pocket and bring him with me, I would. He's not the only one I will miss. I have lots to do, but more importantly, lots of friendships to celebrate before my road trip out to Colorado!! I just need to find balance between social and to-do's!

Today's list - Celebrate with Shayla.

So far, I'm doing pretty well not getting bogged down with the necessities of moving ;)

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